– What do artists do all day? Axisweb- WATCH VIDEO HERE
-Axisweb featured artist in the community- Video here
– Guest Speaker for Kushy Dil exhibition at Leeds city Gallery
–a-n (artist information company) Artist bursaries selection panel, press release
-Judge at Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Inch Arts, Surface Gallery, Creative Change Makers (NTU)- 2016- present
-‘Get the Trolls Out’ (campaign against hate crime)
-Discover Your Best Consulting Ltd DYB ‘Take a Minute’ Series, 2020 Interview
–The Primary Artclass, 2020 ‘Art Education & Creativity’ Interview
–Judge, The Big Draw (International drawing competition), 2020 press release
–Curatorial Consultant, Pentrich & South Winged Revolution Group. Change the Script, House of Parliament (Baroness Uddin)
–Artist talks, Manchester Metropolitan University, Hereford College of the Arts, Castle College, Humbermouth Literary Festival, Withington School
–Judging Panel, Notts Inspirational Women’s Awards
–Guest Speaker, Art & Mental Health, Institute of Mental Health (IMH), Nottingham University
–Keynote Speaker, Gauging he Impact: PEP up your organisation: Insights into Peak Engagement & Performance in the Workforce (which Lord Chris Holmes)
–Contributor, Unlocking the Puzzles of Peak Engagement & Performance (PEP®) by Elmira Bakhshalian & Dr.Martin Reddington, Ebook, 2017
–Special address speaker, How Art can help our Appreciation of the Business World, KPMG
–Selection/interview panel.rEvive residencies scheme, heritage, built environment & geography. Arts Council/Erewash Council
–Guest Speaker, Art, Culture, Representation. Southwark Cathedral, London
–Guest speaker and prize giver of ‘Here & Now’ exhibition, City Arts & Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
–Art Consultant, Bridging the arts and business sectors by supporting local governments, Martin Reddington Associates
–Creative Mentor critique, Surface Gallery, EM:16 Pulse Group
–Author of ‘Colours’ catalogue foreword, for artist Christos Christou, Meres Multifunctional Spcae, Cyprus
–Judge, Painted Surface:Contemporary Painting competition, Surface Gallery
–Contributor, The Past in the Present: London, History & Museums, Luke Johnson, University of Westminster
–Contributor, Role of the freelance/independent curator, Shanta R. Barber, Bath Spa University
–Contributor, Investigating the development of alternative providers in Higher Education in the UK. Sarah Barnard, Loughborough University
–Guest Speaker, Art as Language, Communication & Creative Thinking, Growleaders/Discover Your Best Consultancy