Portfolio Websites, TV work, Social Media

–‘Inside Museums’ Series 2. Written and presented by Diana Ali. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001646r

–Drawers Off! Art expert on life drawing. Channel 4. May 2021. Series 1 & 2. https://www.channel4.com/press/news/jenny-eclair-takes-channel-4s-drawers

–BBC1 Big Painting Challenge (Series 2,3,4- 2016-2019) BBC iplayer clips

–BBC4 Life Drawing Live! Tips by Diana Ali
-BBC4 Life Drawing Live!2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000j45r (Shortlisted for digital awards 2020)
selection in our gallery- over 25,000 submissions. critical feedback from me here

–BBC Arts ‘Get Creative’ with experts Diana Ali & Pascal Anson Live show
–Open College of the Arts (University of the Creative Arts) Tutor profile
–Axisweb Artist profile
–Painting in Italy Tutor Profile
–ArtMo Artist profile