Older works-Paintings & Drawings


Endurance, Compulsion, Engrossed

Pen, ink, pencil

The drawings are created using limited colours and shapes and the physical process is that of repetition of one shape. The next shape is determined by the previous shapes’ location and position. Thus the drawing abides by a set of rules in its process. The act of drawing becomes compulsive, meticulous and almost a test of endurance. The concentration is focused on the creation of the individual shapes but simultaneously filling of the area with the desire to complete. They were created in a series of eight hour sittings in night shifts at a call centre.


Mud Paintings

Mixed Media; soy sauce, car paint, mud, hessian, collage, varnish

Based on chinese burial rituals, graves and death


Pen & pencil crayon cartridge paper A5


Pen & Ink on cartridge paper A3

Black fine liner on cartridge paper A3


Acrylic on wooden panels. 30X30cm